Bath Gold
Bath Gold (Immersion Plating) is an advantage if an entire item, or multiple items require a consistent layer of gold plating. A (+)positively charged lead wire is clipped to an Anode which is stationary in the bath of our proprietary gold plating solution. The item to be gold plated is attached to a conductive wire rack or alligator clip charged with a (-)negative current lead wire. The entire part is dipped into the solution and allowed to plate for a duration of time (generally 3-5 minutes). The longer the item is left in the gold plating solution, the thicker the layer of 24k gold will be. This gold plating solution was designed with a lower gold concentration for maximum affordability and efficiency. Since a higher volume is required to fill a beaker that will fit your parts, the gold content per fluid ounce is substantially lower than that of our other solutions.
Wondering which gold plating solution to buy?
While searching for the best gold plating solution you may have noticed that throughout the whole industry there is dramatic price differences per fluid ounce of gold solution. For example, you may have found 32oz of gold solution for only $100; where as our 2oz of solution costs about the same amount. The most important factor to consider when shopping for a gold solution is 'fine gold content'. A gallon of solution could cost $100 but may only have .1g of fine-gold content. We sell our gold plating solutions with a verified, optimal solution volume/gold-content ratio. For over 30+ years we have fine-tuned our gold plating solutions to be as efficient, reliable, and have as little of waste as possible. So when you're considering who to buy your gold solution from consider this: how much money per gram of actual gold-content are you paying?
24K Bright Gold Plating is normally used in decorative applications such as these motorcycle valve covers
24K Bright Gold Plating Solution (Hard Gold) is cobalt hardened acid gold electroplating solution that will yield a relatively low stress, fine grained deposit with hardness range of 130-200 Knoop. This solution is ideally suited for printed circuit boards, contacts, reflectors, as well as heavy decorative deposits.
The purity and hardness of the final electro-deposited gold will be equivalent to Type I, and 2, Grade C, specifications as indicated in MIL-G-45204C, as follows;
Purity - 99.7 percent gold minimum (24 karat)
Hardness - Knoop hardness 130-200
Density of Plate - 12.45 mg/in²/µm (thickness)
24K Pure Gold Plating (Soft Gold) is used where deposit ductility and/or heavy gold thicknesses are required such as this high temperature induction load coil.
24K Pure Gold Plating Solution - 99.9% purity soft pure gold plating solution. Plates to virtually any thickness desired.
Gold Plating Services’ 24k Pure Gold Solution is an extremely efficient, (cathode efficiency 98%+), neutral pH, water-clear Gold Plating Solution designed to produce a gold electro-deposit of 99.9+% purity to virtually any desired thickness for surfaces used in the medical, semi-conductor, electronic, and PWB industries where soft, high purity gold is required. Note: Due to the grain structure of this type of gold deposit the reflective qualities of the surface will become noticeably “matte” with increased thickness.
Electrodeposited gold will be equivalent to Type III, Grade A, specifications as indicated in MIL-DTL- 45204D, as follows;
Purity - 99.9+ percent gold minimum (24 karat) Hardness Knoop hardness < 90 (typically 55-60)
Are you disposing of your bath gold sooner than necessary? You are probably throwing out perfectly good gold.

24K Pure Gold Bath Plating Solution
from $300.00

Rose Gold - Bath (Continental US & Canada Only)
from $140.00

24K, 18K, & 14K Bright Gold Base Solution (NO GOLD)
from $250.00